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Crafting Strong Passwords in Python with a Random Password Generator

Passwords are ubiquitous in our digital lives. From email accounts to online banking, passwords are often the first line of defense protecting our online identities and sensitive personal data.

However, many people still use weak, easily guessed passwords like "123456" or "password" which leaves them vulnerable to attacks. That‘s why having the ability to generate strong random passwords programmatically can greatly improve our online security.

In this comprehensive 2800+ word guide for developers and security professionals, you‘ll learn how to leverage Python to easily create an enterprise-grade cryptographically secure random password generator suitable for a wide range of security use cases.

The Growing Password Security Imperative

Before we jump into the code, let‘s briefly establish the context around why robust passwords generation tools are so important in today‘s threat landscape.

Common Passwords Remain Prevalent

Despite growing awareness of password best practices, analysis of breached password databases reveals people continue using trivial passwords. The table below shows the most common passwords from 2021 breaches:

Rank Password Percentage
1 123456 1.5%
2 123456789 0.9%
3 qwerty 0.7%
4 password 0.7%
5 12345 0.5%


With such predictable passwords permeating databases, basic dictionary attacks pose an immense threat.

Password Re-use Amplifies Risks

A 2021 LastPass survey found 66% of people re-use the same password across multiple accounts. This means a single compromised password can lead to cascading account breaches over time.

Regulations Push for Greater Security

Governments and industries continue establishing password security frameworks, like NIST 800 in the US, GDPR internationally, and healthcare password guidance from HHS, AHIMA, and HITRUST. Staying compliant increasingly requires modern access control safeguards.

Facing these realities, diligently generating strong, unique passwords programmatically provides a critical line of defense.

Characteristics of a Secure Password

Before we start authoring our password generation script, let‘s establish the key traits that make a password sufficiently resistant to modern brute force, dictionary and other types of attacks.

High Entropy Through Long Length and Complexity

Entropy refers to the randomness or unpredictability of a password, measured in bits. More entropy means more variation, increasing the search time necessary to guess or crack the password.

Entropy can be expanded in two key ways:

Increasing length – Additional characters exponentially impact search times. For example, doubling length from 8 to 16 characters boosts entropy from ~2^52 to ~2^104 possible combinations.

Enabling complexity – Different character types – uppercase/lowercase letters, numbers, symbols – expand the variation space versus just lower/upper case letters.

Adding both more length and types of characters is key for entropy.

Lack of Predictable Patterns

Pure randomness alone does not necessarily produce usable secure passwords. Humans tend to insert patterns unintentionally – "password123!", common substitutions "p@ssword". These predictable elements reduce real entropy, easing guessing.

True arbitrariness from Computer generated passwords boosts unpredictability.

Avoiding Blacklisted or Common Passwords

Many organizations now maintain vast databases of breached passwords or dictionary words known to be vulnerable. Generating brand new passwords that steer clear of these blacklists helps eliminate easily guessed options.

Keeping these characteristics in mind will help guide our Python code next.

Official Password Generation Guidance

Before diving further into Python syntax, we should touch on the latest password entropy guidance from standards bodies:

NIST Password Rules (2017)

The influential NIST Digital Identity Guidelines provide science-based password policy advice for US government and enterprises.

NIST recommends a minimum 128 bits of entropy, translating to 20 characters with full upper/lower/numbers/symbols character sets.

OWASP Password Recommendations

The technical community OWASP recommends a minimum length of 12 characters in their password guidance, with additional complexity requirements:

  • At least one uppercase character
  • At least one lowercase character
  • At least one number
  • At least one special symbol

With official password standards established, let‘s analyze how to meet them in Python.

Generating Random Passwords with Python

We‘ll be leveraging two key modules from Python‘s extensive standard library to handle all aspects of analysis-driven password generation:

secrets – Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generation

string – Contains string constants like letters, digits for easy sampling

Here is the step-by-step walkthrough:

1. Import Relevant Modules

We import these two modules to start:

import secrets
import string

The secrets module contains our cryptographic functions while string provides handy character sets.

2. Define Password Length

Let‘s define the fixed length in characters for the passwords we‘ll generate. NIST recommends 20+ characters while OWASP says 12. We‘ll meet in the middle:

password_length = 16 

3. Construct Allowed Characters Set

Next we construct a string containing all allowed characters to sample from during password generation.

Meeting complexity requirements means allowing upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols:

alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation

Here Python‘s built-in string library provides the foundations through ascii_letters for a-z/A-Z, digits for 0-9, and punctuation for common symbols.

4. Initialize Password Storage

We initialize an empty string that will hold the output password as we construct it iteratively:

password = ""

5. Iterate Through Password Length

Next we iterate through the desired password length, grabbing random characters from our alphabet and adding them to the password string:

for i in range(password_length):
  password += secrets.choice(alphabet) 

Breaking this down:

  • Loop password_length times
  • Call secrets.choice() to randomly select an index from our allowed characters in alphabet
  • Add the newly selected random character into our password output variable
  • Once loop is finished, print out completed password

6. Enforce Custom Password Constraints

The above logic produces a sufficiently random password, but we also want to guarantee certain complexity criteria, like:

  • Minimum of 2 numbers
  • At least one special symbol

We can expand on the above while loop with additional nested logic:

while True:

  password = ""

  for i in range(password_length):
    password += secrets.choice(alphabet)

  # Require at least 2 numbers
  num_count = sum(c.isdigit() for c in password)
  if num_count < 2:

  # Require at least one special symbol
  if not any(c in string.punctuation for c in password):

  # Constraints satisfied    


This expanded while loop repeatedly generates candidate passwords, counting contained numbers and checking for symbols, until all requirements are met before breaking out and returning password.

And that‘s it for basic functionality! With these modular building blocks, it becomes easy to tack on additional complexity criteria.

Expanding Functionality for Specific Use Cases

While our core generator logic is complete, we can expand in helpful ways:

Checking Against Known Weak Passwords

To avoid re-creating documented vulnerable passwords, we should check candidates against maintained lists of breached or blacklisted terms curated by sites like SecLists on GitHub.

One option in Python is leveraging Levenshtein automata to efficiently spot generated passwords too close to those in breach corpuses.

Adding a User Interface with Tkinter

For wider access beyond command line usage, we can wrap our generator code in a lightweight graphical user interface through Python‘s built-in Tkinter module.

Tkinter makes building cross platform GUI apps straightforward. We design interface screens and hook up the generator as a backend function.

Safely Distributing and Sharing Passwords

Storing a single copy of our generator logic alone isn‘t sufficient – we need secure mechanisms to synchronise outputs across multiple machines and share credentials between teams.

Potential options include hashing and salting before adding to encrypted password managers or using asymmetric cryptography to exchange keys.

Tailoring to Specific Password Rules

Industry or organisational password policies often mandate highly specific criteria. We can refine outputs to conform to rules requiring part of speech, number of uppercase letters, avoiding years or names, etc through added generator logic.

Securely Storing Generated Passwords

With robust generation capabilities in place, safely storing the resulting passwords now poses a new challenge!

Let‘s analyze recommended practices for storage:

Leverage a Password Manager

Tools like 1Password provide encrypted password databases as well as native generation capabilities. Either override or integrate with their functionality.

Only Store Salted Password Hashes

Rather than plaintext passwords, hashing allows securely verifying a correct password without exposing the original. Modern algorithms like bcrypt, scrypt, PBKDF2 and Argon2 use deliberate computational expense to massively slow brute force attacks.

Here‘s a comparison of the resources required to crack hashes using each algorithm:

Algorithm Compute Time Memory Parallelization Hardware Cost
BCrypt Medium Low Hard Low
PBKDF2 High Low Easy Medium
Scrypt High High Hard High
Argon2 Very High Medium Adjustable High

The latest Argon2 method provides the best protection currently against custom hardware equipped attackers.

Salting Passwords Before Hashing

Salting refers to adding random data to each password instance before hashing. This thwarts attacks using prebuilt hash rainbow tables to reverse common passwords.

Salts are typically generated using a cryptographically secure PRNG just like our Python password logic earlier.

Taking these measures protects stored passwords even in the event of direct database access by malicious actors.

Current Password Attack Trends

While following the practices outlined so far will get you quite far security-wise for internally applications, many systems face additional threats from attackers:

Credential Stuffing Botnets

Disrupted bots attempt leaked username/password pairs across thousands of sites per minute, gaining access wherever combos work. 88% of firms reported cred stuffing attacks in F5 Labs research. Enforcing complex initial passwords protects against previous breaches enabling lateral movement.

Password Spraying

Rather than exploiting user lockouts through failed brute force, this technique "sprays" a single easy password across many accounts hoping some haven‘t updated from defaults. The hugely effective RockYou2021 password spraying campaign compromised over 100 million accounts with just a dozen guesses on average.

AI-powered Password Prediction

As neural networks grow in capability, AI models can increasingly emulate how humans select passwords – trying common patterns and substitutions like uppercase letters for numbers. Reinforcement learning bolsters performance for each cracking success. Startups like Corellium now sell commercial AI password breakers.

The generator best practices we‘ve covered help tilt the balance back by removing predictable human tendencies.

The Future Password and Access Management Landscape

As threats continue evolving, password-centric authentication remains problematic long term despite generators augmenting their security. Several alternative approaches seek to succeed passwords:

Passwordless Authentication

Methods like FIDO‘s WebAuthn leverage public key authentication without passwords. Users access accounts by just authenticating with fingerprint readers or external hardware tokens. Windows Hello and Apple FaceID exemplify adoption.

However the vast majority of systems still currently rely on passwords, necessitating solid generation.

Two or Multi-factor Authentication (2FA / MFA)

Requiring an additional verification mechanism like SMS texts, biometrics or hardware tokens makes single password breaches less catastrophic.

95% of enterprise breaches can be thwarted using multi-factor relative to passwords alone according to Duo Security. This greatly raises the complexity bar for unauthorized access.

So while the password remains alive and well, augmenting their generation can drastically improve outcomes when used alongside additional safeguards.

Conclusion & Next Steps

In this extensive guide, we covered all aspects of creating robust password generation logic in Python:

  • Assessing password security threats like credential stuffing and AI guessing
  • Overview of latest guidance from standards groups on proper entropy
  • Leveraging Python‘s secrets and string modules to incorporate true randomness
  • Enforcing custom complexity criteria tailored to your specific app
  • Expanding functionality with UIs, hash salting and distribution needs
  • Securing storage using password managers and hash salting

Our script works, but here are additional areas for exploration:

  • Generating passwords as human memorable passphrases using word construction
  • Building a web application front-end with Django/Flask integration
  • Checking for password blacklisting using efficient algorithms
  • Testing security against real world cracking tools

I hope this analysis gives you a much deeper appreciation of both the threats against current passwords, as well as the cryptography fundamentals we can leverage to create better ones using Python.

There‘s incredible value in being able to setup solid password foundations across users and environments. Combine proactive generation routines with continuing education around risks and mitigation approaches for robust security well into the future.